Before you look around for a hard money loan, it’s important to consider what factors play into pre-approval. Private lenders want to ensure that you will be acting as a reliable investor in the future. In this blog, we will highlight characteristics and details that will demonstrate why you should be pre-approved for a loan.
- Previous Real Estate Experience: While obtaining a hard money loan is primarily based on collateral, most lenders want to hear about your previous experiences. This will help them determine what was or was not successful in previous situations.
- Your Character: Based on your personality and previous actions, private lenders need to know they can rely on you during this process. Once they ask you questions relating to your responsiveness, previous financial endeavors, they will decide if you’re ready and stable.
- Property Details: For pre-approval, be able to accurately describe the property that the loan will be used for; this includes location, how much money you will need for it and when you need the loan by. This will help the lenders determine if and when they can help you with your loan. Providing these details will give them enough information to provide a loan quote quickly.
For any more questions on pre-approval, contact us at (281) 377-4708 or apply now. We look forward to hearing from you!